ARTIST: Helena Rogers
MEDIUM|DIMENSIONS|DATE: oil on paper | 11×14 | 2018
I was born in Rotterdam, the netherlands. My family immigrated to the united States when I was 5 years old. We were placed in the Los Angeles area where I loved until I finished High School. Right after graduation, I went back to live with my grandmotherin the Netherlands. When I came back to the US, i took a trip to see a friend in Seattle and loved it so much I just stayed, that was 1972,
Not long after arriving here, I started a business with John Rogers, called Rubato Records. The business was founded in Bellevue and later, as a sole proprietor, I moved the store to West Seattle. In the early 2000’s I got a degree in Web Development from South Seattle College and embarked on my technical career. I sold the store in 2008, after 31 years!
After spending most of my creative endeavors on being a musician, (Student Nurse, Isaac Scott Blues Band, et al) I now throw myself at being a painter. I started with watercolors, but shortly thereafter realized I craved the rich saturation of oil paints. Last year I had my frst solo exhibition at The Windermere Mt. Baker office; it felt great to see all my work in one place and I received much positive feedback.
I have also shown for the Burien Arts Association, a solo show in 2019 and three consecutive years with Buriens 20/20, now Burien Arts Market.
I painted this self portrait after a trip to Joshua Tree in 2018. I found I needed a hat to protect from all that blazing sunshine.